افتتح اتحاد طلاب الطب - نابلس، في جامعة النجاح الوطنية، وتحت رعاية عمادة شؤون الطلبة وعمادة كلية الطب وعلوم الصحة، فعاليات "معرض أكتوبر الوردي" وذلك على هامش فعاليات الاتحاد السنوية في حملة أكتوبر الوردي للتوعية بسرطان الثدي.

The Exhibition was organized as part of IFMSA's annual activities in October to celebrate breast cancer awareness month. It was inaugurated by Dr. Abdel Salam Khayyat, Vice President for Academic Affairs at the main square, New Campus over three days from October 2-4, 2022.

The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Khalil Issa, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Mr. Mohammed Daqqa, Dean of Students' Affairs, and Moataz Al Saifi, IFMSA's President in Nablus, as well as a number of An-Najah's academic and administrative staff and interested students.

The exhibition aimed to mark breast cancer awareness month and to raise awareness about the importance of breast cancer prevention measures like mammography screening. In support of the month and all that it stands for – resilience, triumph over illness, strength from the community – 60 companies, institutions, food stores and handicraft stores across Palestine came together to fight against breast cancer through financial support and donations benefiting An-Najah National University Hospital's cancer patients.

It is worth mentioning that the exhibition included a donation box to collect cash donations and 100% of all funds raised go directly to An-Najah National University Hospital's cancer patients.

عدد القراءات: 30