تم في عام 2023 توقيع اتفاقية للتدريب مع جامعة كولون بالمانيا ومستشفاها الجامعي تحت اسم " تبادل طلابي مع جامعة كولون في المانيا"، وتم اختيار 4 طلاب للتدريب وذلك حسب المقاعد المحددة والشروط المطلوبة، حيث تم اختيار مقعدين لطلبة من السنة السادسة لبرنامج دكتور في الطب، ومقعدين لخريجين جدد، علماً أن الاتفاقية متجددة ابتداءً من العام 2023، ومدة التدريب 8 أسابيع يتم من خلالها تدريب سريري بالمستشفيات التابعة لكلية الطب بجامعة كولون.

Key Highlights:

Strategic Partnership: The formalized training agreement solidifies a strategic partnership between An-Najah National University and the University of Cologne, reinforcing a shared commitment to advancing medical education and fostering cultural exchange.

Selective Student Engagement: Four students were meticulously selected for this unique opportunity. The selection process adhered to specified criteria, with two seats reserved for students in the sixth year of the Doctor of Medicine program and two seats allocated for recent graduates.

Renewable Collaboration: The agreement, initiated in 2023, holds the promise of longevity as it is renewable beyond its inception year. This ongoing collaboration ensures sustained opportunities for future student exchanges, strengthening the ties between the two institutions.

Training Duration: The selected students embark on an immersive eight-week training program. During this period, they undergo rigorous clinical training in hospitals affiliated with the esteemed Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cologne.

Multifaceted Learning Experience: The training program encompasses a rich array of clinical experiences, allowing participating students to gain insights into diverse medical specialties and practices. This multifaceted exposure contributes to a well-rounded and globally informed medical education.

عدد القراءات: 30