
Najah Life Support Training Center is established to save lives of cardiovascular patients by improving survival and prevention of deaths from cardiovascular events and strokes.

Our vision is to be a center for education and innovation for students, employees, health care providers and partners, and to provide a foundation for evidence-based instruction and practice. We function within a leading healthcare system dedicated to optimizing clinical and quality outcomes.


The mission of the American Heart Association (AHA) is to reduce burden of cardiovascular disease by supporting efforts “to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke.” An-Najah Ntional University supports establishment of Najah Life Support Training Center to achieve the AHA mission by training more heart savers through BLS, ACLS, Heart Savers, and Hands only CPR at the community level.


Our goal is to improve patient outcomes related to core measures; quality indicators, regulatory requirements and national patient safety standards, and we have the clinical infrastructure to measure these outcomes. We offer our courses within this context of continuous quality improvement.

Core Values

NLSTC is committed to teach evidence-based courses as recommended by AHA. Quality teaching and learning will be provided; this will be accomplished by providing opportunities for our instructors to realize their full potential.


  We are committed to fulfill the needs and expectations of our participants.

Knowledge Sharing

  We SHARE our expertise and knowledge with our participants at all times.

Sincerity and Accountability

  We uphold the highest standards with SINCERITY and ACCOUNTABILITY to our participants through our training.


  We strive to provide QUALITY training and reliable outcome to our participants