In 1994, medical and health sciences faculties and programs were established at An-Najah National University (ANU). All medical and health faculties and programs were restructured under the umbrella of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) in 2011, after which several health sciences programs were created. In 1994, the Faculty of Pharmacy was established.

The "Faculty of Medicine", in its current from was established in 1999 in cooperation with Al-Quds and Al-Azhar universities, as the administration headquarter was located on Al-Quds University Campus, and other administrations were at An-Najah University in Nablus and Al-Azhar University in Gaza according to specific administrative terms and conditions.

In the academic year 2006-2007, the Faculty started offering clinical education after obtaining approval of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education. The Faculty of Medicine was officially recognized as an independent medical college by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the academic year 2007-2008. In 2004, Optometry and Nursing faculties were established, while in 2006 Forensic Medicine Institute was founded. With regards to child’s health, An-Najah Child Institute; known today as Palestinian Child Institute, was founded in 2010. In 2015, An-Najah Bioequivalence Center, known today as An-Najah Bioscience Unit (NBU) was established.

In 2013, ANU and FMHS established An-Najah National University Hospital (NNUH), which is the only teaching hospital in Palestine. The hospital offers distinguished and high standard multilevel healthcare services, and clinical education and training to future and current healthcare providers.

Currently, FMHS has the following six departments:

  • Department of Biomedical Sciences.
  • Department of Medicine.
  • Department of Pharmacy.
  • Department of Nursing and Midwifery.
  • Department of Applied and Allied Medical Sciences.
  • Department of Dentistry and Dental Surgery.

 Medical Education Department, previously known as the Medical Education Office. The Department was established in mid-2020. Presently, this department comprises four units:

  • Scientific Research Unit
  • Staff Development and Appraisal Unit
  • Students Affairs Unit
  • Curriculum and Accreditation Unit

Furthermore, the Dean is supported by one assistant for general tasks and another specifically for overseeing graduate studies.

FMHS is currently home to approximately 7000 students from all over Palestine, who are enrolled in different Health Sciences Programs.


  • 1994

    Start of medical education

  • 1999

    Faculty of Medicine established

  • 2006-2007

    Start of clinical education

  • 2006

    Forensic Medicine Institute founded

  • 2011

    FMHS established

  • 2013

    NNUH established