Palestinian Pharmaceutical Students' Federation – An-Najah National University has recently concluded the activities of the First Palestine Pharmaceutical Student Conference which gathered students from An-Najah National University, Al-Quds University Abu Dis, Birzeit University and Hebron University with the support of Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co.
The conference included a series of lectures and workshops on pharmacy profession, pharmacy between theory and practice.
The conference included two simultaneous workshops on professional CV writing and pharmaceutical marketing.
The conference was concluded with an open discussion on the profession of pharmacy in Palestine. The attendees discussed pharmacy doctor profession work in integration with the health sector and the challenges pharmacy students face during their training in pharmacies.
The conference was attended by Dr. Mohammad Masrouji, Chairman of Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co; Dr. Rami Qutub, Jerusalem Pharmaceuticals Co General Manager; Dr. Khalil Issa, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science and Dr. Abdul Nasir Zaid, Director of Pharmacy Department as well as a group of An-Najah medicine staff members and interested specialists.
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